
Director's Message

I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to all students, faculty, and staff at our renowned agricultural college. Our institution is devoted to cultivating future leaders and experts in agriculture through a blend of rigorous academics, state-of-the-art research, and practical training opportunities. As the Director, my goal is to foster a supportive and enriching environment that encourages innovation, creativity to achieve outstanding results. Together, let us strive to advance agricultural knowledge, champion sustainability, and create a positive impact within our communities and the wider world. Welcome aboard, and let’s embark on this exciting journey of learning and exploration together.

We take immense pride in our well-trained and experienced faculty dedicated to delivering high-quality agriculture courses alongside practical training. Our college features sophisticated laboratories equipped with modern equipment, offering students hands-on experience and technical skills. This practical approach extends to our 110-acre farm exclusively for academic use, allowing students to apply their learning to real-world agricultural challenges. Our comprehensive curriculum and state-of-the-art facilities aim to prepare graduates as industry-ready professionals capable of making significant contributions to the agricultural sector. Join us and embark on an educational journey that empowers you to excel and leave a lasting impact in the field of agriculture.

