Department Profile

Seed Science and Technology

Seed is the basic and most critical input in agriculture and is considered to be the cheapest and most crucial component compared to other inputs like fertilizers, pesticides, water etc. The need to popularize the concept and use of quality seed is warranted for high crop productivity. The existing machinery in the state for production of quality seed, processing, storage and distribution, needs to be geared up to on scientific footing. This realization paved way for the establishment of Seed Science and Technology in the year 2018 comes under Crop Improvement. The major mandate of the Department is teaching of Under Graduate students of Agriculture, imparting training and also to undertake research in areas related to Seed Science and Technology. By studying this course, students will cover the topics like seed technology and production, advanced methods and routine of seed testing, plant breeding and many other related topics. The graduates can work as Seed Certification Officers, Seed Inspectors, Assistant Seed Officers, Seed Production Officers and Seed Testing Officers for reputable organizations like the National Seed Corporation, Central Seed Testing Lab, State Seed Testing Lab, Breeder Seed Units and State Seed Corporations.   Courses offered:
Sl.No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Semester
1 SST 201 Principles of Seed Technology 2 + 1 III
2 SST 351 Seed Entrepreneurship Skill Development and Management (Optional Course) 1 + 1 VI
3 SST 451 Commercial Seed Production (Experiential Learning) 0+10 VIII
4 APW 401 Project Work (SST) 0+1 VII to VIII
1. Mrs. S. Sathya Assistant Professor
2. Mrs. P. Priya Lab Assistant
  • Seed germinator
  • BOD incubator
  • Purity work board
  • Digital Moisture meter
  • Seed counter
  • Weighing balance
  • Seives
  • pH & EC meter
  • Sampling dividers
  • Triers
  • Accelerated ageing Chamber
  • Moisture Bottles
SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITIES Visits/Out door class  
S.No Visits Place
1 Seed production plot KVK-Virinjipuram
2 Department of Seed Certification Vellore
3 Seed Testing laboratory Vellore
4 Seed Storage godown ADA office, Pernambut