Department Profile

Environmental Science

The primary objective of the B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture program is to concentrate onagricultureandrelatedfields.Thisdepartmentprovidesstudentswithskillsinenvironmental science, knowledge they can use to enhance their master’s-level studiesandbecomefutureAgriscientist,entrepreneurs,CEOinproducerfarmers’organizations,consultingfirms,orbusinesses.Studentswhotookenvironmentalsciencescoursesaspart oftheirprojectworkorelectivecourseinthedegreeprogrammes performed better in research projectsthat were problem-focused and foundanswers to serious environmental issues. In order to solve numerous environmental issues and find pertinent technologies with scientific solutions, this was done. Since thattime,therehasbeenanincreaseinthenumberofstudentsenrollinginmaster’scourses, makingitpossibletostartadoctoraldegreeinenvironmentalsciencetoaidthedepartment ofenvironmentalsciences’researchinitiatives.Studentswithan environmental sciences degree were better able to engage in problem-focused researchand findeffectivesolution stopressingenvironmentalproblems.


S.No Staffs Position
1 Dr. RaghupathiMatheyarasu Asso. Professor
2 Mrs. S. Saraswathi Lab Assistant 


S.No CourseCodeandCourseTitle
1. ENS-201EnvironmentalStudies&Disaster Management(2+1)
2. ENS301EnvironmentalPollution&Management(1+1)


  • Biological Waste Disposal Facility 


S.No. Typeofwaste Disposalmethodsestablishedintheinstitute
1 Plant debris RecyclingascompostandVermicompost
2 Food wastesgeneratedfromthehostels Feed topiggeries
4 MicrobiologyandBiotechnologylabwastes Localautoclavinganddisposing
5 Otherlabwastes Deepburial

The bulk of solid waste generated from the PAC campus wasmostlybiodegradableorganicwaste.Thebiodegradablesolidwastegenerated from our institution (both from the PAC College and PAC hostel)has been managed properly. We have a systematic waste collection andtreatmentfacility.

  • Vermicomposting

A vermicomposting unit was established near the Mushroom unit of our institute which uses plant waste to form nutrient-rich organic fertilizer. We have been using Vermicompost for organic farming and hands-on training to the students and visiting farmers about the production of vermicomposting using farm resides and waste which gives awareness about organic agriculture and reduces the usage of inorganic fertilizers.

  • Promoting low-carbon practices in the college zone.
  • Composting organic manure; vermi-composting.
  • Plastic-free zone.
  • Bio-pit technology, chemicals-free zones in parks, and eco-parks.
  • Rainwater collection for farm ponds and groundwater replenishment.
  • Water-saving irrigation techniques using sprinklers and drippers.
  • Farm forestry, Sericulture, Agroforestry, Social forestry, and Apiary.