Department Profile

Course Offered

Course Offered

B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture

Duration: Four Years

System of Education: 

Semester System (8 semesters)


About the degree program:

The B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture is a four years undergraduate degree program that offers a comprehensive curriculum focusing on agriculture and associated subjects including Agronomy, Horticulture, Genetics and Plant breeding, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Soil science, Seed Science, Microbiology, Crop Physiology, Biochemistry, Agro-forestry, Agricultural Biotechnology, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Engineering, and Food science and Technology, Environmental Science etc. The program emphasizes practical learning experiences, enabling students to gain hands-on experience and develop practical skills relevant to the agricultural industry. Graduates of the program equipped with the requisite knowledge and skills essential for diverse career avenues, encompassing opportunities for advanced studies at the master’s level and entrepreneurship pursuits.


Importance of the B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture degree program:

  1. Meeting Global Food Demands: With the world’s population projected to reach 9 billion by 2050, there’s an increasing need for sustainable food production. B.Sc. Agriculture program equip students with the knowledge and skills to address challenges in agriculture, such as improving crop yields, mitigating environmental impact and ensuring food security.
  2. Innovation and Technological Advancement: Agriculture is undergoing rapid technological transformation with the advent of precision agriculture, biotechnology and digital farming. B.Sc. Agriculture program integrate these advancements into their curriculum, preparing students to utilize cutting-edge technologies for efficient and sustainable agricultural practices.
  3. Economic Contribution: Agriculture remains a crucial sector in many economies, particularly in developing countries. B.Sc. Agriculture graduates play pivotal roles in driving agricultural productivity, rural development and economic growth through their expertise in crop management, livestock production, agribusiness and agricultural extension services.
  4. Environmental Sustainability: Sustainable agriculture practices are essential for preserving natural resources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. B.Sc. Agriculture program emphasizes the principles of sustainability, teaching students how to balance agricultural productivity with environmental factors.
  5. Diversification of Career Opportunities: The interdisciplinary nature of B.Sc. Agriculture program opens up diverse career opportunities beyond traditional farming. Graduates can pursue careers in agricultural research, agribusiness management, agricultural extension services, agricultural policy, food processing industries, international development organizations and environmental consulting firms.
  6. Addressing Global Challenges: Agriculture is intricately linked to several global challenges, including food insecurity, poverty, malnutrition and rural-urban migration. B.Sc. Agriculture graduates are equipped to address these challenges through innovative agricultural practices, sustainable development initiatives and policy interventions aimed at improving livelihoods and enhancing food systems worldwide.
  7. Promoting Rural Development: Agriculture is the backbone of many rural economies and B.Sc. Agriculture graduates play vital role in promoting rural development through increased agricultural productivity, income generation, infrastructure development and community empowerment.
  8. Research and Innovation:Sc. Agriculture program foster a culture of research and innovation, encouraging students to explore emerging trends, conduct experiments and develop solutions to agricultural problems. Through research projects, internships and collaborations with industry partners, students contribute to advancements in agricultural science and technology.

Future career:

B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture graduates have ample job prospects in many public, private and academic establishments, as well as agricultural corporations and research institutions. Students have a range of choices to pick from, depending on their interests. They can be hired as Agricultural Officers (AO), Agri Extension Officers, Field Officers, Field Inspectors, Probationary Officer and Specialist Officer in banks, Branch Managers (Agri), Agri Loan Officers, Marketing Officers, Product Development and Testing Officers, Field Assistants, Agri-School Teachers and graduates those who are interested in further studies can pursue  Master’s degree in Agriculture across various agricultural disciplines subsequent to obtaining M.Sc. and Doctorate degrees such graduates will have opportunity to serve as Professors, Agricultural Research Scientists and Subject Matter Specialists (SMS) in Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs).