On 03.08.2023 Students of 2022 Batch 40 Students visited State Department of Agriculture office Madhanur. The Assistant Director of Agriculture (ADA) Mr. Paruna Baskar enlighten about various schemes which are helpful to farmers and be discussed about the services of agriculture department and also shown liquid bio fertilizers, certified seed with different colour tags, sprayer in the agri depot. The Agriculture Office (AO) Mr.Velu, briefed about Tamil Nadu State Seed Development Agency (TANSEDA), Kalaignarin All Village Integrated Agriculture Development Programme (KAVIADP), Dr. Sivakumar the seed certificate officer explained about importance of seed certification, procedure for certified seed production, general seed certification standards, four different types of seed and tags. Mrs.Umamaheshwari (Block Technology Manager) BTM briefed about the objectives, salient features, and Funding of ATMA (Agricultural Technology Management Agency). She also shared about the training given to Farmers/Farm Women Interest groups on demand driven production and marketing of farm produce ,exposure visit, Melas / Fairs, Rewards and Incentives that are given to the best performing group.
Exposure Visit to State Department of Agriculture / Horticulture-Madhanur