Department Profile


  • Well-furnished hostel facilities serve as a second home for students, prioritizing academic pursuits and safety.
  • Separate residential accommodation for male and female students ensuring a safe and inclusive atmosphere for all residents.
  • Hostels adhere to strict rules and regulations with vigilant monitoring mechanisms in place to uphold safety standards.
  • Comprehensive administrative procedures, including the maintenance of detailed registers for entry and exit, documentation of complaints, and medical records, are diligently maintained.
  • Essential amenities in each hostel include:
    • Warden’s office
    • Designated reading room with computers
    • Sick bay for medical emergencies
    • Guest room
    • Communal TV hall with color television and DTH facilities
  • Designated visitors’ hall in each hostel provides a comfortable space for students to meet with guests while maintaining living quarters’ integrity.
  • Facilities aim to enhance students’ overall living experience, fostering academic and personal growth.