On July 26, 2024, the 25th anniversary of Kargil Vijay Diwas was celebrated at Palar Agricultural College Auditorium. The event honoured the bravery and sacrifice of soldiers who fought in the Kargil War. The chief guest, ex-serviceman Mr. V. Palani, along with distinguished guests Mr. V.E. Madhusudhanan – Administrative Officer, Dr. K. Rajeshwaran- Principal (i/c), Mr. S.V. Prabhu – NSS Coordinator, Mrs. S. Sathya – Cultural Centre and Mr. Ravi, Prof. (Economics) graced the occasion.
A series of competitions, including patriotic drawing, essay writing, speech, and poetry, were organized to engage the students and community members. The event also featured performances of patriotic songs, creating an atmosphere of national pride and unity. A special segment was dedicated to a national pledge-taking ceremony, clips of the Kargil War and the National War Memorial were shown and a tribute to the Indian soldiers. The event aimed to instil national pride and honour the heroes of the Kargil War.