Department Profile

Plant Pathology

The Department of Crop Protection, specifically focused on Plant Pathology, is a critical component of agricultural research and education. Plant pathology is the science that studies the causes of plant diseases, the mechanisms by which diseases develop in individual plants and in plant populations, and the ways and means by which plant diseases can be managed or controlled. Here’s a profile of the department

Mission: The department’s mission is to contribute to the sustainable and efficient management of plant diseases, which pose significant threats to global food security and agricultural productivity. Through research, education, and outreach programs, the department aims to develop and disseminate innovative and environmentally friendly plant disease management practices. Plant pathology provides concise overview of basic concepts and principles in the biology of plant pathogens including morphology, detection, reproduction, spread and their management 

Courses offered

Sl.No. Course code Course Title Credit hours Semester
1. PAT 201 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology 2+1 III
2. PAT 202 Principles of Integrated Plant Disease Management 1+1 IV
3. PAT 301 Diseases of Field and Horticultural crops and their Management – I 1+1 V
4. PAT 302 Diseases of Field and Horticultural crops and their Management – II 2+1 VI
5. APW 401 Project Work 0+1 VIII
6. PAT 452 Commercial Mushroom Production 0+10 VIII


Sl.No Name of the staff Qualification
  Dr. Padmodaya. G (Visiting Professor) Ph.D. Plant Pathology
  Dr. Karibasappa C.S. Assistant Professor Ph.D. Plant Pathology
  Mrs. Arsha . G Assistant Professor M.Sc. Agriculture
Lab Assistants
  Mr. Padmanabhan, S B.Sc. B.Ed.
  Ms. Lavanya, J B.Sc. 

Facilities available:

SI. No Items
1 Compound Microscope With Photo Display Arrangement
2 Stereo Binocular Microscope
3 Sample Processing Board (Dry Preservation of samples)
4 Wet Preservation Jars
5 Autoclave
6 Hot Air Oven
7 Deep Freezer
8 Centrifuge (3000rpm)
9 Refrigerator
10 Water bath
11 Electronic Balance
12 Microscope(Compound)
13 Weighing Machine(2)
14 Incubator
15 Ocular Meter
16 Stage Micrometer
17 Camera Lucida
18 Colony Counter
19 Humidifier
20 Laminar Air Flow Chamber

Glimpses of Practical classes  

INTRODUCTION TO MUSHROOM CULTIVATION The term mushroom means in general a fungus but commonly it is the fruiting body of some fungi which produce and disseminate spores. Like all other fungi, they lack Chlorophyll and thus cannot produce their own food. They grow saprophytically or sometimes symbiotically upon other dead and living plants respectively to obtain organic matter as food. Mushrooms are variable in size and shape. Many have cap and stalk but some varieties are devoid of stalk. Some varieties even produce fruit bodies below the ground. There are large number of species growing wild in nature, while many are edible, some are highly poisonous. Mushrooms are popular for their delicacy and flavour. They are excellent sources of vitamins, proteins and minerals. They are good source of Vitamin ‘B’, folic acid, the blood building vitamin, useful in anaemic condition. They also contain pantothenic acid, vitamin B-12, ascorbic acid and the precursor of vitamin A and D. They are also good source of phosphorus, potassium, and iron, copper, contain all essential amino acids particularly L-lysine and L-tryptophan. Mushrooms contain least quantity of carbohydrates as well as fats, hence very valuable diet for those suffering from diabetes and heart problems. With increasing population, food demand problems in developing and under developed countries, mushrooms can play an important role to enrich human diet particularly in India where a large section of the population are vegetarians. It is an ideal means of recycling agro-wastes which are available abundantly. 

Significant Activities: 

1. MUSHROOM CULTIVATION AT PALAR AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE  Department of Plant Pathology in our college actively engages in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. Students receive comprehensive education on both the theoretical and practical aspects of mushroom cultivation. As part of their experiential learning in the commercial mushroom cultivation course (PAT 452), students actively participate in the cultivation process. Additionally, we extend hands-on training to nearby villagers, including farmers, enlightening them about the advantages and procedures involved in mushroom cultivation. 

2. Hands on Training to Farmers on Oyster Mushroom cultivation On 15th July 2023, Palar Agricultural College organized a hands-on training session for local farmers on the cultivation of Oyster Mushrooms. The objective of this training was to empower farmers with the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully grow Oyster Mushrooms as an alternative and potentially profitable crop. Program Details: Venue: Palar Agricultural College Campus Date: 15th July 2023 Duration: 1 Day 

3. National Webinar “Blossoming Fungi: Exploring the Significance and Techniques of Mushroom Cultivation” Date: 15th October 2023  Venue: Online Platform: Google meet Guest Speakers: Dr. KPS Kushwaha, Professor, GBPUA&T Pantnagar Mr. URL: National Webinar on “Blossoming Fungi: Exploring the Significance and Techniques of Mushroom Cultivation” was successfully conducted on the occasion of National Mushroom Day-2023. The event was organized by Palar Agricultural College, featuring 132 enthusiastic participants from different states across India. The primary goal was to disseminate knowledge and promote the significance of mushroom cultivation. 

4. International Webinar “Integrated Pest and Disease management in Vegetable crops” Date: 15th October 2023  Venue: Online Platform: Google meet Guest Speaker: Dr. Surendra Dara, Professor Dept. of Horticulture, Oregon State University, USA The International Webinar “Integrated Pest and Disease management in Vegetable crops”was successfully conducted on the occasion of National Mushroom Day-2023. The event was organized by Palar Agricultural College, featuring 99 enthusiastic participants from different states across India. The primary goal was to disseminate knowledge and promote the significance of mushroom cultivation. Exposure visit of PAC students to Mushroom poduction unit at Thirupattur on 25thJuly 2023 On the 25th of July 2023, a group of college students from Palar Agricultural College embarked on an exposure visit to a Arunarivu Mushroom Farming and Production Unit located in Khandeli, Thirupattur. The visit was organized to provide students with practical insights into the process of mushroom cultivation, the technology used, and the business aspects of mushroom production.