Department Profile

Protected Structures


Mist chamber is an enclosed structure in which artificially mist is generated for the propagation of seedlings and relative humidity is maintained at a high level (95%) with the help of misters that spray water. Our mist chamber is included in botanical garden where cuttings are raised.


It is located in botanical garden in which, we are developing quality fruit saplings, flower & vegetable seedlings, and propagated ornamental plant cuttings in beds and portrays for multiplication and commercial sale. An experiential learning programme is also offered for the students on “Commercial nursery technology of Horticultural crops.”


This is a structure for the cultivation under protected conditions. Artificial environment can be maintained inside the polyhouse which is favorable for the cultivation of off-season crops. Our polyhouse is covered by insect proof net for the prevention of pest infestations. This helps to achieve nearly 40 – 50% more yield compared to open field conditions and also increases the productivity, gives better quality vegetables and flowers. We have two polyhouses which are utilized for research and educational purposes.


It stabilizes the growing environment by buffering the ambient temperature and protecting the plants from extreme cold, making the environment warm from inside, which help plants grow faster than those in outside. The glasshouse in our college is utilized for the commercial production of rose.