

Three Days Workshop on Regenerative Agriculture

Organized by           :  Palar Agricultural College  & Naandi Foundation

Day 1(02.01.2025)    :   Inaugural Function and Foundational Topics        

On 02.01.2025, a three-day workshop on “Regenerative Agriculture” was organized by Palar Agricultural College and the Naandi Foundation. The inaugural function began with a welcome address by Dr. A. Vennila Mary, Assistant Professor (Agricultural Extension), delivered to 137 third-year students of the 2021 batch. The resource persons, Mr. E. Kathiravan, MBA (Logistics), and Ms. Yashika Siva Kumar, B.Sc. (Agri), were felicitated by Mr. V. E. Madhusudhanan (Administrative Officer). This was followed by trainees introducing themselves, creating a collaborative and engaging environment.

During the discussions, the speakers provided an overview of traditional and modern agricultural practices, emphasizing the importance of sustainable and regenerative methods for long-term soil and environmental health. They covered the fundamentals of soil health, including soil types and the role of organic matter.In the Seed Technology session, they highlighted the significance of indigenous seed selection, treatment, and storage, as well as their role in sustainable farming. The day’s session concluded with a student debate activity.

Day 2(03.01.2025)-Advanced Agricultural Practices

The second day focused on both practical and theoretical aspects of farm management and bio-inputs. The resource persons provided insights into techniques for natural pest control using bio-pesticides and companion planting, practical methods for effective weed control without chemicals, and water conservation techniques such as drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting.

They also emphasized the preparation and use of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides, highlighting the benefits of bio-inputs in reducing dependence on synthetic chemicals. Additionally, the basics of maintaining farm records, budgeting, and cost analysis were discussed. Strategies for value addition and marketing of farm produce to enhance profitability were covered, along with demonstrations and discussions on modern tools to reduce labour. An integrated farm designing session was conducted, during which students worked in groups to complete chart work on Integrated Farming Systems (IFS).

Day 3 (04.01.2025) – Practical Applications and Closing Ceremony

On Day third day of the workshop, students prepared various bio-inputs, including Panchagavya, Jeevamritham, Meen Amilam, Dasakavya, Thamore Karaisal, and Insect Repellent-3G Karaisal. Hands-on preparation of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides boosted confidence among students  to maximize farm productivity. Students practicsed Integrated Farm Designing through Chart work to create holistic farm designs combining crops, livestock, and natural resource management. Valedictory Function of the workshop concluded with  distribution of Certificates to the participants.


The 3-days workshop provided a comprehensive introduction to regenerative agriculture, combining theoretical insights and practical applications. Participants left with actionable knowledge to implement sustainable farming practices. This initiative by the Naandi Foundation is a commendable step toward fostering a generation of environmentally conscious and skilled participants.