Vermicompost production training – 2023

The Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry PAC organized vermicompost production training for students on 9/11/2023 at PAC Farm, In this program Mr. C.ANBARASU explained various activities of vermicompost production including pit formation, collection of wastes, bed preparation, earthworms inoculation, watering, and harvesting. Totally 70 students participated in the training program, and students practically […]

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Training for Soil Sample Collection – 2022

Soil sample collection training was organized by The Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry PAC on 08/10/2022 at PAC farm. Dr.P.RAMAMOORTHY and Mr.C.ANBARASU explained and demonstrated how to collect soil samples, where to collect soil samples, how to process collected soil samples and how to store processed soil samples. Then students are practically did […]

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Vermicompost production training – 2021

The large quantity of organic waste, generated in PAC farm is either burned or landfilled posing a problem of safe disposal. To mitigate this problem all the waste can be converted into highly valuable nutrient-rich compost in an environment-friendly manner. Vermicomposting is one of the best methods of composting any kind of organic matter, which […]

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